Sunday, July 3, 2016


It's nearly impossible to go through a day without the use of communication. However, there are some barriers which effects communication. There are numerous hindrances in communication that exist in any association, however some occurs repeatedly than others. Boundaries can be caused by individual or it may happen naturally and may incorporate such things as clamor (genuine or inside), predisposition, social contrasts or even contrasts in parts, or levels of power, inside the association. Some basic barriers are as follows:

1. Noise: there are two types of noises internal and external. Internal noise means self-talking that we all do, when we are in conversation sometimes our mind keep thinking about other things in mind like things that need to be done or thinking about what we’ll do at home in evening. External noises can include other people talking or traffic sounds or any other voices that interrupts in conversation by interfering with hearings.

2. Language: language is one of the main communication barriers which results in misunderstandings in how people interprets what is said to them. As we all know that English is not known by every person in the world so they have their own language and if speaker and listening do not communicate in same language then the conversation is meaningless.

3.Misinterpretation: some times when a person send a message to another person in his own words other person always try to understand it with his own sense of understanding something which sometime cause misinterpreting of words and ideas. Sometime we even tent to jump on conclusion without hearing or reading the full topic which ends in misinterpretation.

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